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Macaron by Luigi Biasetto

by Italian Gourmet
"Macaron" by Luigi Biasetto is a revolutionary book that cannot be missed in the library of pastry chefs, curious and enthusiasts.
An extraordinary journey, between sweet and salty, to discover an absolute protagonist of the pastry of the future: the macaron. The great master pastry chef, an undisputed pioneer and one of the most authoritative and respected voices in the industry, states this with certainty in this exceptional publication, unique in its type of approach, degree of detail and variety of recipes.
Round and reassuring, perfect and colorful, simple and at the same time able to offer a wide range of proposals and arrangements: the macaron is revealed in this book as no other publication had ever dared to do, offering the pastry chef the opportunity to express his own idea and style through endless combinations of shells and fillings, shapes and decorations, aiming at the high quality of craftsmanship, with both sweet and savory creations.
This versatile jewel, a "sweet at your fingertips", can be eaten standing up, at any time of day, even by those who follow restrictive diets; it is also easy to taste, transport and store, but above all it offers the artisan the opportunity to show his talent and personality, in the round.
Accompanied by the method and precision that distinguish Luigi Biasetto, with technique and creativity, "Macaron" leads us to the discovery of refined processes and unusual ingredients, revealing with a unique style everything there is to know about this small and precious sweet: from its distant origins, to the selection of the best ingredients and the basic rules, illustrating all the stages of the different methods of preparation of soft macaroons, macaron classic method and Italian meringue method, both the shells and the many possible fillings, including variations and decorations, to get to the rules of storage, logistics and communication.
The important introductory part is followed by the central part of the publication, with 60 recipes elegantly illustrated and divided into 6 chapters, preceded by useful and exhaustive introductions: macaroons with simple filling, macaroons with double filling, macaroons with special decorations, individual macaroons, ice cream macaroons and finally, salted macaroons
Author: Luigi Biasetto
Publication date: 2018
Language: Italian
Pages: 272
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Macaron by Luigi Biasetto
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