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Upcoming Birthday or Anniversary? Find out our Gift Ideas!
A sweet present? Choose our Gift Card

Even at Easter, give a Gift Card!

Make 14 April 2022
Even at Easter, give a Gift Card!

If you are looking for a gift that is:

  • easy to purchase
  • always appreciated
  • delivered directly to the recipient, in real time
  • proportionate to your budget
  • original

you're in the right place!

Easter is here and it's an opportunity to give gifts to customers, employees, collaborators: a great way to create cohesion and network!

But often a "physical" gift is complicated to find and deliver: from the research of the supplier, to the choice, to the agreements, up to the distribution of the gift itself, these are actions that take away time, energy, resources.

But there is a solution for you: the gift cards of!

What is so special about our gift cards? We tell you right away:

  • our card is made to measure: it gives the possibility to those who receive it to transform it into the product most desired or appreciated. In addition, you decide the amount, from 10 euros: it is for all needs and all budgets.
  • It minimizes the failure: how many times when choosing a gift have we lingered over shapes, colors, variations of the same object? Giving a gift card avoids choosing the wrong product, giving the possibility to buy the best of what you like.
  • You give not only an object, but the pleasure of choice.
  • You give the freedom to decide when to use it, in the moment that the recipient considers most appropriate.
  • You give the opportunity to choose within a showcase 100% Made in Italy, high quality, with all the excellence of the universe of Italian sweet gathered in a single marketplace!

But that's not all...

Not all gift cards are the same: to maximize the "wow effect" of our gift, there are a couple of conditions to keep in mind.

In fact, it is important that the gift card gives the opportunity to access a quality product, hopefully where there is a wide variety of choice: this increases the chances of satisfying those who receive it. And on this, guarantees you a wide showcase, for all tastes and all ranges!

Moreover, a simple plastic card, or a black and white email voucher, will not leave our interlocutor speechless: much better if the gift voucher arrives in the dear person's email in the form of a greeting card accompanied by a message related to the party or the occasion. has thought of this by offering you a wide range of gift cards, suitable for any occasion, beautiful to see and themed, with branded graphics: cards related to single occasions such as birthday, graduation, congratulations, birth, and much more!

In addition, there are many additional advantages that a Dolceitaliano gift certificate offers:

  • It is easy to use for those who receive it: just a few clicks to purchase the chosen product.
  • Who receives it orders what he prefers with a few clicks and receives it comfortably at home, even on the other side of the world! Dolceitaliano ships both in Italy and abroad.
  • You will not have to worry about the expiration date:'s gift certificates are valid for ten years from the date of issue.

So what are you waiting for? For a perfect gift, choose the high quality signed by the elite of Italian pastry!

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