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New entry! New books from Italian Gourmet, at 10% discount on

Make 22 April 2022
New entry! New books from Italian Gourmet, at 10% discount on

On, the showcase of Italian Gourmet, Food editorial division is in charge of publishing specialized magazines and illustrated and technical books about cooking and pastry addressed to both professionals and gourmand lovers, continues to expand proposing new titles really interesting, from pastry to baking to the use of spices in cooking.

The new publications are exceptionally 10% off on!

Spezie by Giancarlo Morello

Everything you need to know to choose them, preserve them and use them in the best possible way. This is the content of "Spices", a book that incorporates the knowledge of chef Giancarlo Morelli, with the advice of journalist Allan Bay, on grains, dried plants and powders. In these pages are told about local and exotic spices, pure or mixed, some very ancient and others recently acquired in our kitchens. There are a total of 40 pure spices - in strict alphabetical order - which are described in this volume. Each spice has an introduction about its history and origin and two useful insights: "How to use them in the best way", in which are summarized the conservation techniques, the main uses and the combinations, and "Allan's advices" with the most immediate applications and the recipes suggested by Bay. An indispensable volume for anyone, professional or not, who wants to experience the vast world of spices and all their virtues, accompanied by beautiful images by Manuela Vanni and a fresh and captivating approach in the narration.

Crostate e Plumcake by Davide Malizia

Enriching the Italian Gourmet series is this new volume by Davide Malizia, a master pastry chef of international renown, awarded the "Sucre d'or - Best Sugar Artist in the World" in 2020 for the next ten years. The book is practical and functional, a tool for the modern pastry chef, who wants to offer "something new" inspired by one of the most famous and delicious specialties of the sweet world: the cupboard cakes. Accompanied by the beautiful images of Matteo and Vincenzo Lonati, Davide Malizia's manual tells how important it is to stimulate the sensitivity of the end customer and awaken in him the historical memory of the cakes of his childhood, through proposals with a contemporary appeal, usable in format, easily optimized from the point of view of production and suitable for sale, both in stores and online.

Pane in 101 domande e ricette by Matteo Cunsolo

"I make bread and it wasn't easy to put down on paper what I do every day in the lab." But thanks to teamwork, Matteo Cunsolo, a baker from Parabiago, was able to answer 101 questions about bread making: "these are the most frequent questions I get asked during courses", says Cunsolo, and Italian Gourmet, together with him, wanted to add more to try to give the answers that every baker or Arte Bianca enthusiast is looking for. Answers sometimes brief, but focused, others more in-depth and others accompanied by recipes. In this volume, in fact, there are also several recipes: bread, cakes, focaccia, dough with sourdough or alternative flours. What you will find in this book is what Matteo does every day in his laboratory, recipes that you can find when you enter "La Panetteria" in Parabiago (Milan) or that Matteo has made or makes for special occasions.
The book is divided into 9 chapters, each with a theme that will lead you through questions, answers and recipes in the world of White Art according to Matteo Cunsolo. All accompanied by the beautiful images of Carlo Casella.

Want more books? Visit our showcase: many titles all for you, with the best of haute patisserie and cuisine!

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